Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Scottee says the darndest things...

Scottee makes me laugh she says the most hilarious things and yesterday I realized I have not been writing them down. When I was a kid my mom wroite down almost everything we said that was hilarious and we often get them out and laugh hysterically at them. You think you will remember them but unfortunately we don't. So here are a few Scottee did yesterday:
She was sitting in her carseat having her own personal party wiith her water cup. She pulled her straw out of the cup and it squirted water everywhere and she said, "Oh sorry wawa"! It was hilarious!!!
Also yesterday I was doing her hair and it was of course hurting her (beauty is painful) and she kept saying hurt mama, hurt, but I just kept doing it like a mean mom and then after a few seconds she said, "Mom I just go nigh night." It was so funny!
Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!!!


YeatesFam said...

Love it! I too (with the encouragement from my mom!) started writing the funny things down a while ago and I'm on page 11 of our "funny journal" so keep writing them down, you'll love it! Hope you're feeling good!

Uffens Family said...

I cannot believe how much Scottee has to say! She is so funny...glad you are going to be sharing them with us now :) I always need some good comic relief!

Sarah Goodsell said...

She's so funny! I love listining to her talk because Jaxson won't talk:( He babbles. She's so freaking cute. I still love THE BOYS comment it's my favorite!

McGiven Family.... said...

She is so dang funny. She cracks me up! I love hearing the funny things she says.

Bre said...

That's because there's a 40 year old woman stuck in her. hahahaa! She's so stink'in cute!

Ryan and Shalee said...

I tagged you so if you want to participate go to my blog and it will tell you all about it.